Silicon Carbide Block Heat Exchanger
SiC Heat Exchanger
Sigma Silicon carbide (SIC) Block heat exchangers are made of pure directly sintered SIC blocks and do not contain any free silicon improving chemical resistance. SIC Blocks are assemble with PTFE gaskets. Blocks are drilled in Axial & Cross section direction. Corrosive fluid flows through the axial process holes & utility flows through cross section flow.
SIC Block Heat Exchangers are constructed by stack of blocks encapsulated in a steel shell. SIC offer a nearly universal chemical resistance & highest thermal conductivity, Extreme surface hardness allows protection against abrasion and results in high Flow rates with increased thermal efficiency. Sic Block heat exchanger are alternative to high nickel alloys hastelloy, Tantalum, Titanium heat exchanger for corrosive application
Advantages of SIC Block Heat Exchangers:
1.0 Highest Chemical Resistance
Outstanding corrosion resistance against almost all chemicals up to 500° C.
2.0 High purity application
- Pure sintered SIC
- No Open porosity hence no impregnation
- Helium leak proof ( 10⁻⁷Si)
- FDA compliant
3.0 Low Cost
- Compact design as modular construction of standard blocks from 100 mm to 400 mm dia.
- No piping modification required
- Self-cleaning holes
- Low fouling
- Easy maintenance fast assembly & disassembly
- Quick return on investment
- Longer life span
4.0 Highest thermal efficiency
- SIC Block – 100 %
- Tantalum Shell & Tube – 89 %
- SIC shell & tube – 78 %
- Graphite block – 61 %
Application Areas of Block Type Heat Exchanger
- Universal chemical
- No abrasion
- Pressure : Full Vacuum to 10 Kg/cm²
- Temperature: -60°C to 500°C
- Hole diameter from 8 to 16 mm process side 8 to 12 mm utility side
- Heat transfer area – 0.25 m² to 30 m²
Type of Heat Exchangers
- Condenser with or without inerts
- Cooler
- Heater
- Inter changer
- Flash evaporator
- Thermo siphon
- Absorption
Solution to corrosive application
- Acid regeneration plant
- Sulphuric acid dilution & cooling unit
- HCL Synthesis unit
- Dry HCL Gas generation
- Pickling bath liquid heating / Cooling